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Someone once asked me...
foxielyricsno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
Group: Administrator
Level: Top Dog

Posts: 105
Joined: 2/24/2006
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Someone asked me once
about people online-
Don't I find it silly
to call them friends of mine?

I pondered the thought
for a little while-
and slung 'em a story
with a huge smile.

I wake up in the mornin
I'll tell ya what I do-
I race to my computer
to check my mail , it's true!

I open each and everyone
and reply with tender care-
maybe justa a line or two
to let 'em know I'm there!

I have seen strange things
been so many places-
Have even seen a few
of their online faces!

It doesnt matter to me
that they are far away-
Meetin' them has surely
brightened up my day!

We've shared a morning coffee
and at times we've shed a tear-
We've been there for each other.
Even played cards and drank a beer!

They are just as real to me
as you are standing there
They are always here for me
with lots of love and care.

One thing online has taught me
something I'll never forget-
There's alotta great people
out there on the net!

"How can you be friends with
someone you've never met?"
I'll smile and tell them,
"You've never been online I bet!"

So you can find me silly
if that's what ya wanna do-
But I care for them every bit
as much as I care for you!

2/28/2006 11:35:58 PM    
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