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Daily Horoscopes February 28, 2006
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ARIES (March 21 - April 19): Make sure you're aiming towards more entertaining and intriguing activities, because you want to be challenged. Make the effort to widen your circle of friends. Anything which makes you feel that life can be bubblier, brighter, breezier. Be watchful as you may be keeping your feelings too much to yourself, refusing to let on even to your nearest and dearest what is going on.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Push yourself to come to new arrangements or agreements with very close partners, over joint finances or your intimate emotional life. It could only be minor adjustments you are looking for, but if you can make the effort it will put everything on a more solid footing. Luckily the Moon will put you in an amiable humour. You will want to smooth down rough edges so your persuasive powers will be working well.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Whether it's at home or at work, you want the support of the kind of mates who will be solidly there for you. Take a long walk round grumblers and troublemakers. Look for supportive buddies, the ones whom you trust in your life and who have been there for you in the past. Venus will make you yearn for peace and perfection especially at home or in your family relationships. Venus is charming, lazy and indulgent so you will want to keep the peace at all costs.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Don't let anyone demand too much of you, including yourself. Just put your foot down and say enough is enough. If you are giving out a great deal then it's obviously a bright idea to look at your body, see what you need to do to give it a bit of a boost. With the Moon at odds with both Pluto and Saturn it could feel like a small uphill climb at points. Don't get gloomy since it is only a passing blip. Saturn always demands discipline and makes indulging yourself difficult.

LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22): Relationships with women, no matter what your gender, should be good with the Moon shining its motherly light on you. You will want to show yourself in a positive way, coming across as supportive and kind. If you take care of others, then they are much more likely to respond in like manner. Just ignore any blips through the day wit friends offering unasked for advice and loved ones being sticky. Just rise graciously above it all and keep smiling.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Push away the people who are difficult, back off situations which are tricky and find a little corner in the office or at home, where you can put your feet up in comfort. You will want to be wrapped up in cotton wool, giving yourself the goodies of life. Although Pluto has a habit of magnifying small situations and turning them into dramas. If you are too secretive or make loved ones feel shut out they will not respond well.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22): Scattering yourself too widely, getting a bit frantic and frazzled will be all too likely but not very helpful. If you can detach your feelings from your thinking then you will find it easier to focus and concentrate. Just watch you do not set up disappointments for yourself by expecting too much. You may not stand up for yourself since you will dislike confrontations more than usual. Venus close to the Moon makes you want to take the easy way out.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): Going to one extreme or the other where cash is concerned is not helpful. If you save to the extent that you're not able to give yourself the odd present or treat then you'll feel deprived. But if you pleasure your senses and give yourself the goodies of life without limits then you will get the budget unbalanced. If you are having to sort out practical problems at home, knuckle down, get it done and then you can play truant.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): With the Moon's aspect today, you will be a bit fidgety and edgy. More even than usual you will want to be loved, nurtured, protected. Really what is important is to have solid, anchoring kind of mates around. Give yourself permission to be thoroughly and gloriously lazy. Though it might be an idea in the peaceful moments to mull over old memories. You will be more settled if you have thought things through more carefully.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): You will be picking up hints of the unspoken needs of close companions. This will make you caring, but watch that you're not pulled into carrying everyone else's problems. Protect yourself from being drained too much or getting dragged into activities that don't interest you terribly much. It is only a passing phase but you could be rather over intense, or feeling blocked. Lighten up and keep your sense of humour handy.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): Don't get jealous or down if a friend pays more attention to someone else, because it will pass. Things will tend to be good one moment and not so good the next, and then back to being good again. Just let it all ebb and flow. Over eating could be one minor downside of Venus since you will want to make yourself feel pampered. You might want to consider adding elegant touches at home to cheer yourself up.

PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20): Clearly you've decided you're not going to get enough attention at home, so you have to go out into the world and get it. You will be sensitive, very responsive to the mood around you at work, and therefore very good about handling group situations. Though at one point with the Moon at a tricky aspect you may seem chilly and stand offish. Deep down inside you may be feeling shy. Try to open up to those close and explain what you really need.

2/28/2006 11:32:27 PM    
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