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universal studios hollywood horror nights 2017 times
Raymondgaxno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Musings On Munich

Munich City has a music of its own. Founded back before the feudal age by monks, the city grew gradually till it had its zenith of splendor during 1930s. Unfortunately its association with Nazism brought about much destruction during the closing years of the Second World War. The city has been rebuilt and has come again to spread its ancient charm, hospitality and graces of life.

Though admittedly provincial, Munich is not devoid of its great charms and also a blend of cosmopolitan outlook. However the pride is with reference to local beer which has several centuries of renown behind it, going as far back to the founding monks who were also running breweries.

Marian column and Mariansaule are two important places in the center of the cities. They represent the old world charm and beauty. There are Asamkirche, Frauenkirche, Michaelskirche and Theatinerkirche churches which are full of grace and charm. These churches have defied time and are a source of solace to spiritually inclined and a delight to aesthetically sensitive. In fact the plethora of churches is a source of great admiration for those who love to study the impact of religion on the lives of the people till Renaissance.

Mention must be made of Munich beer garden where for hundreds of years the custom of having beer cellars under the chestnut trees had started. One has to bring food from outside and the beer sold here had to be tasted to be believed! It has acquired fame throughout Europe and rest of the discerning world.

The Alte Pinakothek museum exhibits the works of such giants like Rembrandt and Da Vinci. These constitute one of the finest pieces of classic collections and art lovers simply cannot resist the temptation of visiting and revisiting these monumental works. And just like the Churches there are plenty of museums too to fully whet the appetite of the specialists in this field.

There are fine places like Munich Olympic Park affording sheer relaxation. The city cannot be exhausted in a day or two. But though a little expensive than some other European cities, its indelible taste in food and beer and wind make up for the time and money spent here. The present city is vibrant, having risen from the onslaught of the Second World War bombings. The charm of the city is in its urbane manners, music and operas, great food and beer, museums and monuments. This is not to suggest that local people can be ignored. They are a class by themselves, a blend of hard work and relaxation, tradition and modernity, piety and gaiety as well. Munich has much to muse about after you spend some time there and with its fascinations will draw you to it again and again.

From the five star hotels ranging from 80 Euros to 135 Euros, to easily available rooms, apartments, suites and dormitories, there are more than 250 hotels of every shade and taste. Facilities for online booking are available with most of these hotels. Travel within the city is not costly. If one grudges a slightly high price for food and drinks one cannot ignore the very high quality of these items.

6/14/2017 3:36:26 AM   
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