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Forum Overview » Foxie Dollz Lyrics » Bee Gees - Lyrics » Bee Gees - How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
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Bee Gees - How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
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Posts: 105
Joined: 2/24/2006
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I can think of younger days when living for my life
Was everything a man could want to do.
I could never see tomorrow, but I was never told about the sorrow.

And how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
How can you mend a this broken man?
How can a loser ever win?
Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again.

I can still feel the breeze that rustles through the trees
And misty memories of days gone by
We could never see tomorrow, noone said a word about the sorrow.

And how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
How can you mend this broken man?
How can a loser ever win?
Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again.

2/25/2006 2:50:30 AM    
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Forum Overview » Foxie Dollz Lyrics » Bee Gees - Lyrics » Bee Gees - How Can You Mend a Broken Heart

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