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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » Hugz
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Level: Top Dog

Posts: 105
Joined: 2/24/2006
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I’ve lived as close to Heaven
As probably I will get,
For you have been the Angel,
That I’ll not soon forget.

And you have been there for me,
To listen when I’m sad,
To cheer me up,
and make me smile,

When things have seemed so bad.
Just want to let you know it’s true
That you are good for me,
You are just what I, myself,

Have always longed to be.
Across the miles through cyberspace,
I send this all to you,
A great big smile and even more,
A hug, included too!

2/25/2006 2:24:40 AM    
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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » Hugz

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