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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » INTO THE WINGS
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Looking to the stars,
I speak to the Great Spirit
and seek direction to release my soul.
I am guided to a sacred place
where an eagle awaits.
Knowing that the eagle
can see through my darkness,

I pray for his gift in the shadow of the moonlight.
I sense his strength
and form at my side,
and with the power
of his wisdom, he consumes me.

Wrapped in his wings,
I find peace, love and protection.
He takes it upon himself
and sets a journey in my soul
and frees me from the darkness.

I feel his soft touch,
as a gentle rain, falling on my flesh.
It cleanses my soul
to make it pure,
for then my inner beauty will be restored.

Now I see the light
as the eagle fills my soul
with his strength and love.
He vows he will be my protector.
As I listen to the wind,
still wrapped in his wings,
I hear his song of love.

I never dreamed the Great Spirit
would answer my prayer.
I am free from the bonds
of darkness forever
in the wings of the eagle.

3/21/2006 7:34:31 AM    
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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » INTO THE WINGS

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