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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » Watch
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Joined: 2/24/2006
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The thunder begins to roll in and the people watch
For there is something different in the wind.
The wind blows in a pushing motion of great force
Though nothing is harmed in its path.

The trees, animals, homes and that of man's creation sit silent
There is great awe for no one seems to understand
What kind of storm was this, the people ask
Where has it come from and will it come again?

The thunder is blue rather than white with streaks of red
The rolling thunder's sound shakes the soul
Change has happened, for this thunder is a warning
The shift has begun. Do you see it, do you feel it...

By Blackhawk 1999

3/17/2006 12:34:15 AM    
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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » Watch

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