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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » MOUNTAIN
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"What are you looking for?"
the voice seems to say.
"What is it you seek
in this area so far away?"
"Is there a reason you are here
or are you just like all the rest,
just hoping upon hope
that you belong someplace?"
"Why have you traveled so far?
Do you hope to find your soul,
the very fiber of life?"
But standing there
upon that great mountain
among my brothers,
the eagle and wolf,
I have no answers.
I raise my arms to the Great Spirit.
I thank Him for all He has given to me
and ask only one thing...
that I may remain on His mountain
in peace.

By Lawrence T.

3/17/2006 12:16:18 AM    
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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » MOUNTAIN

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