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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » This Mountain
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This Mountain
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Level: Top Dog

Posts: 105
Joined: 2/24/2006
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Father, this mountain seems too steep
The summit disappears in the sky
The valleys too wide, the gulfs too deep
Yahweh, there’s no way to get by

I see no crevice to hold to
Nothing for a steady foothold
Tell me now what to do
For I see no path, no traveled road

Yah, I am ill equipped for this journey
Not equipped for this strenuous climb
Talk to me, reveal to me
Lead the way for this trek of mine

Child of mine, look not up or down
Keep your eyes focused in front of you
My angels around you, I will surround
Trust in me, I’ll guide you through

If you look too far ahead, you lose sight
Of what lies before you this very moment
If you look down, you experience fright
Continue steadily forward, don’t relent

One step at a time is all it will take
To move towards your destination
With each step, progress you make
But you get no where with hesitation

Yahweh, how right you were
Look at me-I made it to the top
The view is so breathtaking here
How glad I am that I did not stop

Yes, I slipped a time or two
And experienced doubts of my ability
But you sustained me all the way through
You kept Your Hand faithfully upon me

Today, my perspective has changed
I have conquered the mountain I feared so
Through You, my life has been rearranged
I will survive no matter where my path may go

And now, with the eagles, I can fly
I see the world with a different view
How humbled and grateful I am
To have been led by You

~Kathleen Shelton Poulson~

3/12/2006 2:40:25 PM    
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