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Forum Overview » Inspirational Story's » Inspirational Story's » How to feel secure
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How to feel secure
foxielyricsno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Level: Top Dog

Posts: 105
Joined: 2/24/2006
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There is no true security without your sense of oneness with Him.
The Source of all blessings. This is the first thihng you have to
realize. By applying this princess you can developa practical,
workable, marvelous feeling of inner security.
There is an urge within each of us that cries out for union with an
Eternal Source. Join now in this Infinite P:ower and you will
immediately draw upon it's strength.
You are immersed in an infinite ocean of he Life-The Infinite
Mind-which permeates you enirely and in which you live, move, have
your being. Remembe the Infinite Power never been defeated or
frustrated by anything outside itself. This Infinite Power is
omnipotent and when you consciously unite with it through your
thought, feeling you immediaely become greater than any worry
concerning you.
You will soon discover peace which surpasses all human understanding.
Source: Joseph Murphy Dr. of Divinity.

3/12/2006 2:38:23 PM    
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