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Loving The Unlovely
Saturday, February 25, 2006
He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
1 John 4:8 NKJV

Loving the unlovely - God did that for you! Just because someone is different from us doesn't mean we should dismiss them or consider them inferior. You don't want to be judged or dismissed because of your color, culture or countenance, so don't do it to others!
Since God's Word is very clear about us not becoming like others in their sinful practices, we're tempted to conclude that somehow we're better than they are. That's a sin in itself. On the other hand, we fear that if we accept them we're endorsing their sin. No, the truth lies in remaining respectful and accepting others in the same way Jesus did. Whether it was racial differences (Samaritans), lifestyle differences (the woman at the well), or class differences (Nicodemus), Jesus managed to love people as they were, while inspiring them to a higher standard.

It's easy to say, "love the sinner while hating the sin," but living it out requires practice, patience, understanding, and reliance on our Heavenly Father's guidance. You can work alongside someone who's having an affair, while praying for them and not having one yourself. Remember, we ourselves were once sinners, now saved by the grace of God. Avoid the trap of self-righteousness and act with humility and grace when you encounter someone whose lifestyle makes you uncomfortable. Learn from them as much as possible. Allow them to dispel your preconceptions and stereotypes. Begin to see them not as a collection of demographic differences, but as people loved by God - people who need the same grace you received!

2/28/2006 11:13:05 PM    
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