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Forum Übersicht » Michael Jackson - "The King Of Pop" » News-Portal » News vom 24.11.05
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News vom 24.11.05
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Gruppe: Administrator
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Beiträge: 973
Mitglied seit: 01.09.2005
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Jackson to build a mosque in Bahrain

24 November 2005

MANAMA — World’s top pop singer Michael Jackson, who recently settled down in Manama has donated a huge amount of money, the figure was not disclosed, for building a state-of-the-art mosque near his luxury palace in the Bahraini capital, according to his spokesman. The proposed mosque would be designated for learning the principles and teachings of Islam, as well as teaching of English language, for which high-standard teachers would be brought from United States under his personal supervision, the spokesman said.

Jackson did so as a token of appreciation to the Bahraini people, who welcomed him and treated him as if he was one of the citizens of their country.

Michael Jackson has moved to reside in Manama after the long-judicial battle, which ended up with being acquitted of the charges of child molestation.

The court hearings were followed up by news agencies for many months, and the number of reporters who attended and covered them was estimated at more than 2000 from all countries in the world.

It is noteworthy that Germain Jackson, the brother of Michael had embraced Islam at the beginning of 1990s, and he was one of former Jackson Five band and the solo singer

Jermaine had felt his brother Michael has great interest and study of Islamic books, the tolerance of Islam and his dealing with Arab and Muslim personalities since long years. The most prominent among those figures is Prince Al Waleed bin Talal and the Bahraini royal family.


24.11.2005 11:37:03    
MR. BIGfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
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Beiträge: 973
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Jackson: Controversial Audio Clip
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
By Roger Friedman

Michael Jackson is in the middle of a public firestorm that could turn out to be worse than all his other scandals.

Answering machine messages, leaked by plaintiffs in multimillion-dollar lawsuits against the singer and first broadcast on ABC, paint him in the worst possible light. Jackson makes anti-Semitic remarks on the tapes, similar to the lyrics he originally used in the 1995 song, "They Don't Care About Us."

In the message, Jackson speaks about a Jewish associate whom he had decided ripped him off — when in fact the man, who will remain nameless here — did everything he could to help him.

Jackson says on the tape, left for another associate, Marc Schaffel : "They suck them like leeches ... I'm so tired of it. I'm so tired of it. They start out the most popular person in the world, make a lot of money, big house, cars and everything and end up penniless. It's a conspiracy. The Jews do it on purpose."

The Anti-Defamation League , rightly so, is now calling for an apology from Jackson. But they didn't get one 10 years ago and I doubt they will get one now. Jackson has no idea that anything he's ever done is incorrect or offensive, as we learned from four months of court testimony this year.

What Jackson should worry about, I am told, is that there are hundreds of other phone messages that may be released including some that could provide interesting footnotes to last spring's trial.

In other words: The war between those suing Jackson for funds they believe they are owed and the beleaguered pop star is now taking a nasty turn — and one that will not end quietly.


24.11.2005 11:37:54    
MR. BIGfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: ghost

Beiträge: 973
Mitglied seit: 01.09.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Liga unterstellt Michael Jackson Judenhass

Popstar Michael Jackson ist von der Anti-Diffamierungs-Liga in den USA aufgefordert worden, sich von angeblich antisemitischen Äußerungen zu distanzieren. Der in Bahrein weilende Sänger wollte sich zu den Vorwürfen bisher nicht äußern.

Los Angeles - "Michael Jackson hat einen Hang zum Antisemitismus", erklärte der Liga-Vorsitzende Abraham Foxman gestern. "Man hat den Eindruck, dass es jedes Mal an den Juden liegt, wenn er Probleme hat."

Foxman bezog sich auf eine Bandaufnahme, die am Dienstag in der TV-Sendung "Good Morning America" des Senders ABC vorgespielt wurde. Die darauf zu hörende Stimme - angeblich die von Jackson - bezeichnet Juden als "Blutsauger" und spricht von einem "Komplott", das "die Juden gezielt" anstrengten. Die Botschaft auf dem Anrufbeantworter des ehemaligen Jackson-Vertauten Dieter Wiesner soll vor zwei Jahren aufgenommen worden sein. Staatsanwalt Howard King hatte diese und ein Dutzend andere Sprachnachrichten in einem von Wiesner gegen Jackson angestrengten Verfahren benutzt.

"Es ist bedauerlich, dass Jackson von den klassischen Stereotypen infiziert wurde", erklärte Liga-Sprecher Foxman. Der Popstar müsse "eingestehen", dass seine Worte "verletzend und hassgetränkt" seien. Seinen Anhängern müsse er zeigen, dass er sich von Vorurteilen distanziere.

Jackson Sprecherin Raymone K. Bain sagte gestern, der Sänger würde die Vorwürfe nicht kommentieren. Auch Star-Anwalt Thomas Mesereau hat sich zu dem Fall noch nicht geäußert.

Jackson habe einfach nicht aus seinen Fehlern der Vergangenheit gelernt, konstatierte Foxman. Bereits im Jahr 1995 hatte der Musiker jüdische Gruppen verärgert, als er in seinem Song "They Don't Care About Us" die Zeilen "Jew me, sue me, everybody do me, kick me, kike me" (Sinngemäß: "Macht es auf die jüdische Art, verklagt mich, alle von euch, schlagt mich, saugt mich einfach aus") gesungen hatte. Jackson hatte sich damals entschuldigt und erklärt, der Liedtext habe die Abscheulichkeit von Rassismus, Antisemitismus und Stereotypen zeigen sollen. Der Text wurde geändert.

24.11.2005 11:44:58    
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