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Forum Overview » Beta Cyberlord » BAT » Hidden batch - execute batch without showing the command prompt
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Hidden batch - execute batch without showing the command prompt
privateloaderno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Posts: 241
Joined: 9/20/2020
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Hidden batch is a pre-configured exe that executes a batch file without showing the command prompt window to the user. 100% FUD and with the possibility to edit the bat file.

How to Edit
1) Create a bat.bat file with your batch code
2) Open the "Hidden batch.exe" with WinRAR
3) Update the exe with your bat.bat file
4) That's it

Note: The batch file must not have any user interaction because the batch is not visible to the user.

Note 2: This code is part of Batch Generator by Privateloader, get your copy before it goes dark.


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9/21/2020 12:54:26 AM   
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Forum Overview » Beta Cyberlord » BAT » Hidden batch - execute batch without showing the command prompt
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