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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » Wireless Earbuds Provides Richer Sound Experience
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Wireless Earbuds Provides Richer Sound Experience
chrisdanyno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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The Jaybird Vista are here to give us a truly wireless earbuds experience at dollars 179.99, which might seem a bit expensive for some of their features or lack thereof. At just a hair under dollars 180, they miss out on audio passthrough which seems absurd considering come of its less expensive rivals have it.As far as the sound quality goes, most people do complain about the bass being a bit too dominant for their taste with the mids and the highs being perfect. Thankfully that can be changed via the intuitive equalizer settings on the Jaybird MySound Wireless Earbuds smartphone app.

6/1/2021 2:47:39 PM   
pattersonssno Access no Access no Access 
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Hi. Thanks for the info. I just recently won the jackpot at and wanted to buy myself some good headphones. But want to buy a more expensive and exclusive model.

6/2/2021 9:29:43 PM   
Emilyy22no Access no Access no Access 
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True-wireless earbuds are convenient and easy to use, word hurdle but not every model boasts exceptional sound quality.

9/5/2022 11:57:57 AM    
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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » Wireless Earbuds Provides Richer Sound Experience

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