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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » Duotrigordle - Guess 32 words at once
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Duotrigordle - Guess 32 words at once
jamesevans336no Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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The duotrigordle problem is a more challenging form of Wordle that may appeal to those who enjoy a good challenge. Instead of trying to identify just one word, you will now get 37 chances to estimate 32 distinct terms. There will be 32 different boards on the screen, and you can only type one word at a time. To maximize your word recognition, you must read each board independently while consulting the different colored suggestions. Play duotrigordle and share your greatest scores with the world!

Explain the rules of Duotridordle, a card game.

1. Start typing the word with a random letter. Second, do the same things over again. Please use the keyboard that has been provided for you below the grid. There will be four separate words in which the letter appears at the same time.

After entering the first five characters of the password, hit the "Enter" button. Adding words till the whole board is filled in will be very useful. If you correctly predict every word that appears on the board, you will advance to the next level. If you do this, the board will become inaccessible.
You can use the color indicators to determine how close you are to correctly identifying the color. If you come across green tiles, it means that you have successfully located and rearranged the letters. Even if the appropriate letters were selected, the yellow tiles indicate that the positioning of the tiles is improper. The reason why these tiles are gray is because the correct letters have not been used across the entirety of the word.
Scroll down the page to see all 32 of the blocks that are displayed. You have 37 chances to recognize as many words as possible properly out of the whole potential pool.

2/24/2023 8:06:03 AM   
seoexpertimno Access no Access no Access 
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Thanks for the nice blog. It was very useful for me. I'm happy I found this blog. Thank you for sharing with us,I too always learn something new from your post. One Pearl Bank Showflat

4/12/2023 1:59:04 AM   
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